Governing Board
Our Governing Board
The Governing Board of Rumworth School is totally committed in supporting the school to provide a high quality, rounded educational experience that prepares our learners for life.
Jennifer Dunne
Acting Chair of Governors
Carol Martin
Co-Opted Governors | Parent Governors | Staff Governor | LA Governor |
George Lawson | Aydin Zorlutuna | Rebecca Fletcher | Carol Martin |
Andrew Morgan | Margaret Bradshaw | ||
Lawrence Lilley | Jacqui Latham |
Declarations of Interest
Name | Member Type | Appointed By | Business/Other Interests | Financial Interests | Other Governor Roles | Dates and Terms of Office |
Jennifer Dunne | Headteacher | Local Authority | None | None | None | 01/09/2023 - |
Carol Martin | Acting Chair | Governing Board | None | None | None | 06/11/2024 - 07/11/2027 |
Lawrence Lilley | Co-Opted | Governing Board | None | None | None | 13/12/2021 - 12/12/2025 |
Rebecca Fletcher | Staff | Staff Election | None | None | None | 17/10/2023 - 16/10/2027 |
Andrew Morgan | Co-Opted | Governing Board | None | None | None | 18/01/2024 - 17/01/2028 |
George Lawson | Co-Opted | Governing Board | None | None | None | 26/11/2023 - 25/11/2027 |
Aydin Zorluntana | Parent | Parent Election | None | None | None | 05/10/2022 - 04/10/2026 |
Margaret Bradshaw | Parent | Parent Election | None | None | None | 04/05/2023 - 03/05/2027 |
Jacqui Latham | Parent | Parent Election |
None |
None |
None |
26/05/2023 - 25/05/2027 |
Committees and Governor Responsibilities
Name | Member Type | Committees | Governor responsibilities/ Link Governor Roles |
Jennifer Dunne | Headteacher | Headteacher on all committees | |
Lawrence Lilley |
Chair | School Effectiveness Committee, Resources Committee |
Wholeschool Curriculum, English Curriculum, Finance and School budget planning, Pupil Premium, Looked After Children, Quality of Education, Student Progress and Attainment, Strategic Development. |
Carol Martin | LA Governor | School Effectiveness Committee, Resources Committee |
Rebecca Fletcher | Staff | School Effectiveness Committee, Resources Committee |
Andrew Morgan | Co-Opted | School Effectiveness Committee, Resources Committee |
George Lawson | Co-Opted | School Effectiveness Committee, Resources Committee |
Building and Premises, Health and Safety, Professional Development and Training, Strategic Development, Preparation for Adulthood Curriculum, CEIAG Business and Enterprise, Health and Safety. |
Aydin Zorlunta | Parent | School Effectiveness Committee, Resources Committee |
Building and Premises, Communication and Stakeholder Engagement |
Margaret Bradshaw | Parent | School Effectiveness Committee, Resources Committee |
Jacqui Latham | Parent | School Effectiveness Committee, Resources Committee |
Attendance, Safeguarding & Behaviour Committee
Name | Member Type | 05/11/24 | 12/02/25 | 30/04/25 |
Jennifer Dunne | Headteacher | Y | ||
Carol Martin | LA Governor | Y | ||
Margaret Bradshaw |
Parent | Y | ||
Sarah Roberts | Designated Safeguarding Lead | Y | ||
Fran O'Neil | Deputy Safeguarding Lead | Y | ||
Simon Mullineux | Behaviour Lead | Apologies Received |
Teaching & Learning Committee
Name | Member Type | 16/10/24 | 12/02/25 | 30/04/25 |
Jennifer Dunne | Headteacher | Y | ||
Lawrence Lilley | Chair | Y | ||
Jacqui Latham |
Parent | Y | ||
Rebecca Fletcher | Staff | Y | ||
Caroline Dawson | Deputy Headteacher | Y | ||
Gina Stafford | Senior Leadership Team | Y | ||
Emma Brock | Senior Leadership Team | Apologies Received |
Finance, Business and Premises Committee
Name | Member Type | 13/11/24 | 15/01/25 | 04/06/25 |
Jennifer Dunne | Headteacher | |||
Michelle Price | Senior School Business Manager | |||
Governing Board Attendance Record 2024-2025
Name | Member Type | 06/11/24 | 19/03/25 | 25/06/25 |
Jennifer Dunne | Headteacher | Y | ||
Lawrence Lilley | Vice Chair | Apologies Received |
Carol Martin |
LA Governor | Y | ||
Rebecca Fletcher | Staff | Y | ||
Andrew Morgan | Co-Opted | Apologies Received |
George Lawson | Co-Opted | |||
Lorraine Ellis | Co-Opted | Y | ||
Aydin Zorlunta | Parent | Y | ||
Margaret Bradshaw | Parent | Y | ||
Jacqui Latham | Parent | Y |
Governing Board Attendance Record 2023-2024
Name | Member Type | 08/11/23 | 14/12/23 | 07/02/24 | 20/03/24 (Postponed till 17/04/24) |
Jennifer Dunne | Headteacher | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Dr.Sam Fox | Chair | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Lawrence Lilley | Vice Chair | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Carol Martin |
LA Governor | Y | Apologies Received |
Apologies Received |
Apologies Received |
Rebecca Fletcher | Staff | Y | Y | Y | Apologies Received |
Andrew Morgan | Co-Opted | N/A | N/A | Y | Y |
Christine Bleasdale | Co-Opted | Apologies Received |
Apologies Received |
Y | Y |
George Lawson | Co-Opted | Y | |||
Lorraine Ellis | Co-Opted | Y | Apologies Received |
Apologies Received |
Y |
Aydin Zorlunta | Parent | Y | Apologies Received |
Y | Y |
Margaret Bradshaw | Parent | Apologies Received |
Y | Y | Y |
Jacqui Latham | Parent | Y | Y | Y | Apologies Received |
Governing Board Attendance Record 2022-2023
Name | Member Type | 09/11/22 | 14/12/22 | 01/02/23 | 17/05/23 | 12/07/23 |
Gary Johnson | Headteacher | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Lorraine Ellis | Chair | Y | Apologies Received |
Y | Y | Y |
Dr.Sam Fox | Vice Chair | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Susan Bannister | LA Governor | Y | Y | Y | N | N |
Emma Brock | Staff | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Christine Bleasdale | Co-Opted | Y | Y | Y | N | Y |
George Lawson | Co-Opted | Y | Y | Y | Y | Y |
Lawrence Lilley | Co-Opted | Y | Apologies Received |
Y | Y | Apologies Received |
Aydin Zorlunta | Parent | Y | Apologies Received |
Y | Y | Y |
Sarah Catherall | Parent | Absent, no apologies | Absent, no apologies | Absent, no apologies | Absent, no apologies | N/A |