Rumworth School


Curriculum Overview

Art and Design is a unique subject. The study of Art gives students an opportunity to express themselves in a highly personal way, saying something about themselves and the world they live in.

The projects taught throughout Key Stage 3 are aimed at giving students the basic skills and knowledge they will need to progress into Key Stage 4 where they will be given the opportunity to gain external accreditation. Throughout Key Stage 3 and 4, students learn the formal elements of Art and Design, such as shade, tone and colour theory, as well as studying artists from different times and cultures. Students then have the option to continue studying Art in KS5.

We strive to instil confidence in our student’s artistic and creative abilities and give them the opportunity to experiment with materials in both two and three dimensions in a stimulating environment.

The key skills, concepts, knowledge and understanding that we aim to promote within the Art curriculum that we offer are:-

  • Understanding of the formal elements in Art (colour, line, form, shape, tone and texture).
  • Developing their 2D drawing and painting skills, observation skills and design ideas. 
  • Working with different materials to develop their mixed media and 3D practical skills.
  • Articulating their thoughts and ideas both orally and visually.
  • Developing their literacy through written annotation.

How does Art fit into the Rumworth Curriculum?

Art comes under our wider curriculum umbrella area of “Creative Arts”. It links in with other subject and curriculum areas because it promotes the development of our students as critical and reflective thinkers with enquiring minds. Students who actively engage in the creative process of art, craft and design also develop as effective and independent learners through first hand experience as well as primary and secondary research activities. The subject also develops many transferable skills, developing critical understanding through investigative, analytical, experimental, practical, technical and expressive skills.

Curriculum Strands

Feedback and Assessment

Students will receive constant verbal feedback by teachers and TAs during all Art activities, because this is the best way to help our students to progress. Students also have the opportunity to share their views about their own work in Art, as well as that of their peers. This is done in a variety of ways, dependent upon the ability of the students. In KS3, progress in Art is determined using our 150 Steps to Progress, where students’ skills are formally assessed at the end of each topic. In KS4 and 5, progress is determined through external accreditation measures, where relevant.

External Accreditation

This is offered as:-

  • BTEC Level 1 Award (KS4)
  • AQA GCSE (KS4)
  • Open Awards Creative Arts E1,2,3 (KS4/5)
  • NCFE Level 1 Photography (KS5)
  • NCFE Level 1 Creative Craft (KS5)