Rumworth School


Our curriculum is values-led, evidence informed, impact focused and it prepares our students for their next step. Our curriculum is as broad as it can be, for as long as it can be; it’s not narrowed, it’s not hollowed out, we don’t disapply the National Curriculum and we aim to build our students’ cultural capital as young citizens of the world.

Our curriculum firmly embodies our School Vision:

‘You can do it. We will help’

Supporting young people to be more Confident, Resilient, Independent


Our curriculum begins with our School Mission:

We believe that everything we do should start with the young person.

For them, we aim to create a happy, safe and effective learning community in which all stakeholders are valued. We aim to provide our students with a wealth of learning opportunities which will not only give them an enriching school experience, but will also equip our students with the skills to give every young person the chance to progress smoothly towards a life of opportunity.


Our curriculum is underpinned by our Inclusion Principles for all of our students:

Equally different, differently equal

At Rumworth, everyone is valued and welcomed as belonging to our school community.

Difference and diversity are accepted and nurtured as contributing to all our achievements.

We foster participation and mutual respect as part of everyday life in our school.


The curriculum at Rumworth School is designed with a clear commitment to celebrating the unique identity and potential of each and every student and is fully aligned to our School Vision, School Mission and Inclusion principles.

Year 7 operates as a “Foundation Year” where students have a more class-based transition from their primary school with the Year 7 team delivering the majority of learning. Year 7 students also access specialist rooms including our dedicated Science laboratories, and they are taught by specialist subject teachers for lessons such as Science, Design Technology, Forest School, Art, Music, PE and ICT.

Students in Years 8 to 11 then follow a differentiated curriculum model, according to their needs:-

  • Some follow a more formal curriculum with a modified mainstream approach
  • Some have less transition and spend more time on the consolidation of basic skills in a based class

All students access appropriate external accreditation at the end of KS4 and during KS5, and our full accreditation offer includes GCSEs, ASDAN, BTEC, Functional Skills and Entry Level Certification, dependent upon subject and student ability. In KS5, students continue to follow the most suitable curriculum for their ability. We offer a Year 14 Transition where some students continue on to the “Pathway to Employment” route, and those with SLD and complex needs would usually follow a “Pathway to Independence” route.


Rumworth-Curriculum (ID 1044)